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Church ministries

Ministry Extensions and Support Groups

Recurring Romance Marriage Ministry

Recurring Romance is a ministry that focuses on keeping the fire and spark glowing between Godly couples. Events, seminars, couple games and more is what you will find as a vital part of this ministry....taking the family back starting with where it started.

Guards of Honor Men's Ministry

Guards of Honor is TRWC's Men's Ministry. It is a place for men - where iron really does sharpen iron.

Women Live Talk Women's Ministry

Women Live Talk is a small support group here at TRWC. This ministry is a support network for women providing a safe place to share and inspire.

Ministry in Motion Dance & Mime Ministry

Ministry In Motion is TRWC's dance and mime ministry. The ministry vision is to bring ministry through the art of dance. Ministry expression in motion through dance is one of the many ministries TRWC provides to encourage stronghold breakthrough in the hearts of people.

Single Focus Singles Ministry

Single Focus a ministry that fosters a Godly social environment where you can find and be found by like minded SINGLES, that is healthy, safe, productive, entertaining, engaging, uplifting, and exciting.

T.R.E.E.P. Children's   Ministry

Total Restoration Early Enrichment Program is for youth from 3-12 years of age.

Seniors Ignite Seniors Ministry

Seniors Ignite is our seasoned adult ministry.

The Net

The NET is a WATCH-CARE ministry focused on High School Juniors through Collegiate level youth, including mentoring, tutoring, and healthy friendships--a spot where everybody there is JUST LIKE YOU.


REVIVE is a support group for women of all ages and cultures that have experienced pregnancy loss whether during their 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester. In my own experiences, many times after a pregnancy loss a woman can feel alone, empty, guilt, shame and all in all just sat outside of life. This support group will become available to provide emotional support and feedback to women who don't know how to move forward after a pregnancy loss.

REVIVE, a support group headed and facilitated by Lady Alfreda Mabry.

REVIVE acknowledges the fact that these were OUR babies and we loved them for who they were living inside of us. Even though they are gone from us we STILL love them as if they were right here with us.

Our Future at a Glance

  • To build a 1,700 seat debt free auditorium
  • A Wholeness Center {gym, pool, spa, licensed nutritionist, and chiropractic services}
  • Street Reach --- A quarterly Outdoor evangelism and community revitalization (Neighbors knowing Neighbors)
  • P.A.S.T. (Putting Away Something Today) – in conjunction with Street Reach—quarterly mentoring geared towards young men in the juvenile system.
  • Piece of Peace —a media meditation center w/Loren’s Foyer--- a 300 individualized stations equipped for personal research
  • Loren’s foyer will be a place of serenity, and quiet study located in front of the media center.

© 2020 Total Restoration Worship Center

Office Phone: 404-585-3181

2956 S Rainbow Drive, Decatur GA 30034

Suite 213

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